The Christian Women’s Council more known as The Women’s Council was established as a diverse group of women from the congregation who come together to deliberate, oversee and make decisions designed to meet the needs of women of all ages both spiritually and naturally; and to utilize the abilities of these women in a more effective way. The Women’s Council goal is to support the ministry, encourage fellowship, and display love to all women by aiding the Women’s Department and undergirding the vision of the Pastor. This should promote what God requires of “Holy Women†in these turbulent and troubled times to exemplify “Holy Living†in order to be effective and to inspire that which God desires of us. The Council serves as a Beacon Light to younger women, enabling them to establish and maintain Godly standards in their behavior, community relationships, home building, child development, self-improvement and thus become soul winners.
The Clubs were designed as an all-inclusive organization so that every woman of Mason Temple would be included in such a way that no woman would go unnoticed in the ministry. It is also a way to get Women information, involved in the ministry and support the Women’s Council in organization and adding structure. A woman automatically becomes a party of one of the 12 clubs based on their birth month. This too is not an organization in COGIC, but unique to Mason Temple.
Elders and Ministers Wives are servants of the local church and should be strong supporters of the ministry. They are actively involved in the women’s work. They also assist the District Missionary in her work as needed and work closely with the pastor’s wife. They observe the pastor’s wife which prepares them to become a pastor’s wife, if is the Lord’s will.
The Deacons Wives Circle consist of women who are legally married to a deacon or the widow of a deacon. They are to be proven faithful in the home-caring for the needs of their husbands and children and should be capable of being entrusted with responsible and noteworthy tasks. They may serve as friendly sisters to the single and married women of the church and be prayerful and concerned supporters to the sick, shut-in and bereaved families.
The Sewing Circle/Artistic Fingers is a ministry to serve as a motivating factor to encourage young women and men to become professional seamstress, tailors and some on to be entrepreneurs. A well organized and active circle is ideal for concentration, relaxation and unification of women.
Missionaries are licensed Missionaries whose activities are to be within the confines of her local church. However, with the permission of her pastor, her ministry may be extended beyond the local church. Her ministries may include hospital, home visitation, and assisting in prison ministry. She may also be elevated to Evangelist Missionary, only if she fees the call to evangelistic ministry.
The Hospitality Unit is vitally important to the support of the church ministry. It consist of workers that not only have a love for the ministry of Helps but also possess the necessary skills to effectively accomplish the goals outlined in your church. Some duties of the hospitality in the local church is to provide support in anniversaries, special services, and programs as designated by the pastor.
YWCC is an organization of young women, 18-40 married or single, whose prime purpose is to dedicate themselves in an effort to give greater Christian service. It is during this peak period that the arms of the church should reach out to them because they need the church and the church needs them. This is the training station to be auxiliary leaders, prayer warriors, good homemakers, and lovers of their own husbands, ministers´ wives, and might women of Zion. There is no limit to the contributions of the Church’s mission if this group is well organized. In addition to spiritual growth and development, there are other matters that are of vital concern to this age group such as finding a mate, home building, decorating, meal planning, child care and development, teenage problems, marital problems, divorce, in-laws and many others. This group will explore the Christian approach to these life situations as well as discuss the Christian mode of conduct, which must be practiced.
The Overcomer´s Unit member are those who are to receive guidance and teaching on thow to live their lives, as Christ would have them. The leaders of this group would serve as stations whereby help can be obtained and their needs be met both spiritually and naturally. With the influence of drugs and alcohol, physical and mental abuse, incest, teen pregnancy, the lack of proper moral and Christian standards in society, and the lack of good basic education and achievements, Overcomer´s need to know that they can live for Christ in this present world. This ministry is to be one which teaches them to try again.
The Prayer Warriors Units are saints, both women and men, who are dedicated to fasting and prayer with great compassion and love for the Church and a burden for souls. Prayer Warriors under gird those in leadership positions, for the body of Christ and for mankind everywhere. They must have faith to believe that God answers prayer. He or she must be humble. peaceful, merciful and understanding. They also take charge of the devotional services.
The Nurses Unit is a vital unit of the Department of Women. It is a complement to our ministry of the total man. This unit is staffed with competent persons, to include and under the direction of a Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse who is knowledgeable of medication and is authorized to administer medication and CPR.
The Sacred Heart Fund is a needed unit that is designed to minister and express love during the time of bereavements. During this time the unit will serve as a special representative of the leaders on all levels, by visitation, a phone call, a card, or flowers.